Welcome to the press section of steirischer herbst!
We are happy to be of assistance for interview requests, press images, and any further information.
If you would like to be included in our press mailing list, please provide us with your contact details and the medium for which you are reporting.
press [at] steirischerherbst.at
+43 316 823 007 65
Press Releases
↘ steirischer herbst ʼ24: Review, 11.10.24
↘ steirischer herbst ʼ24: Horror Patriae, 10.9.24
↘ steirischer herbst ʼ24: Horror Patriae, 25.6.24
↘ Werner Fenz Grant for Art in Public Space 2024, 9.4.24
For previous press releases, please contact the press office:
press [at] steirischerherbst.at.
Press Images
Press images may be used free of charge for press purposes and in connection with steirischer herbst provided that the credit and photographer’s name is mentioned. Please contact the press office for images of older editions: press [at] steirischerherbst.at.
For press material of musikprotokoll, please visit: https://musikprotokoll.orf.at/service/presse (Contact: Daniela Reischl, daniela.reischl@orf.at, +43 316 470-28248)