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press [​at​] steirischerherbst.at
+43 316 823 007 65

Press Releases

↘  steirischer herbst ʼ24: Review, 11.10.24

↘  steirischer herbst ʼ24: Horror Patriae, 10.9.24

↘  steirischer herbst ʼ24: Horror Patriae, 25.6.24

↘  Werner Fenz Grant for Art in Public Space 2024, 9.4.24

For previous press releases, please contact the press office:
press [​at​] steirischerherbst.at.

Press Images

Press images may be used free of charge for press purposes and in connection with steirischer herbst provided that the credit and photographer’s name is mentioned. Please contact the press office for images of older editions: press [​at​] steirischerherbst.at.

For press material of musikprotokoll, please visit: https://musikprotokoll.orf.at/service/presse (Contact: Daniela Reischl, daniela.reischl@orf.at, +43 316 470-28248)

steirischer herbst ’24
Horror Patriae

Design: Grupa Ee
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Design: Grupa Ee
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steirischer herbst ’24 Opening

steirischer herbst ’24, Opening, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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steirischer herbst ’24, opening, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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steirischer herbst ’24, opening, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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steirischer herbst ’24, opening, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024)

Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024), Conceptual cantata for seven voices a cappella, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024), Conceptual cantata for seven voices a cappella, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024), Conceptual cantata for seven voices a cappella, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024), Conceptual cantata for seven voices a cappella, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Natalia Pschenitschnikova, A.E.I.O.U. (2024), Conceptual cantata for seven voices a cappella, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024)

La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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La Fleur, The Phantom of the Operetta (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024)

Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), rehearsal, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), rehearsal, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), rehearsal, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Ari Benjamin Meyers, Nation of Sleep (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johanna Lamprecht
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Augustin Maurs, Out of Tune: Favorite Songs of Dictators and Political Leaders (2024)

Augustin Maurs, Out of Tune: Favorite Songs of Dictators and Political Leaders (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Augustin Maurs, Out of Tune: Favorite Songs of Dictators and Political Leaders (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Augustin Maurs, Out of Tune: Favorite Songs of Dictators and Political Leaders (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Augustin Maurs, Out of Tune: Favorite Songs of Dictators and Political Leaders (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024)

Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Sebastian Reiser
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Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Sebastian Reiser
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Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Sebastian Reiser
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Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Sebastian Reiser
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Clara Ianni, Resurrection (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Sebastian Reiser
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Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024)

Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024), Performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Franz von Strolchen, EMPIRE: Rooting for the Anti-Hero (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024)

Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024), performance (rehearsal), photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Marta Navaridas, Once upon a Time in the Flames: Our Firebird Ballet (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Theater im Bahnhof, Spiel mir das Lied von Knittelfeld oder die Pubertät der FPÖ (2024)

Theater im Bahnhof, Spiel mir das Lied von Knittelfeld oder die Pubertät der FPÖ (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johannes Gellner
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Theater im Bahnhof, Spiel mir das Lied von Knittelfeld oder die Pubertät der FPÖ (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johannes Gellner
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Theater im Bahnhof, Spiel mir das Lied von Knittelfeld oder die Pubertät der FPÖ (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johannes Gellner
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Theater im Bahnhof, Spiel mir das Lied von Knittelfeld oder die Pubertät der FPÖ (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Johannes Gellner
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Thomas Verstraeten Wanderlust Warenhaus (2024)

Thomas Verstraeten, Wanderlust Warenhaus (2024), performance (rehearsal), photo: Johanna Lamprecht / steirischer herbst
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Thomas Verstraeten, Wanderlust Warenhaus (2024), performance (rehearsal), photo: Johanna Lamprecht / steirischer herbst
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Thomas Verstraeten, Wanderlust Warenhaus (2024), performance (rehearsal), photo: Johanna Lamprecht / steirischer herbst
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Thomas Verstraeten, Wanderlust Warenhaus (2024), performance (rehearsal), photo: Johanna Lamprecht / steirischer herbst
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Felix Hafner and ensemble Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024)

Felix Hafner and ensemble, Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Felix Hafner and ensemble, Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Felix Hafner and ensemble, Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Felix Hafner and ensemble, Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Felix Hafner and ensemble, Ein Volksliederabend in Addis Abeba (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Wolf Silveri
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Selected exhibition views Horror Patriae

Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Thomas Hörl, Ahnengalerie (2024), Ausstellungsansicht Horror Patriae, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum / J.J. Kucek
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum / J.J. Kucek
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum / J.J. Kucek
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum / J.J. Kucek
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Horror Patriae, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Neue Galerie Graz, photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum / J.J. Kucek
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Selected exhibition views Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited

Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Forum Stadtpark, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Forum Stadtpark, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Forum Stadtpark, photo: steirischer herbst / kunst-dokumentation.com
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Exhibition Horror Patriae

Sarnath Banerjee, Fathers (2024), drawings and text, courtesy of the artist
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Sergey Bratkov, Wiepersdorf (for Artist Friends) (2023), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Madison Bycroft, The Sauce of All Order (Ius Cenae) (2024), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Ieva Epnere, Voices (2024), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Assaf Gruber, Miraculous Accident (2024), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Jan Peter Hammer, Noreia (2024), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Jakub Jansa, Pumpkinville (Club of Opportunities, Episode 9) (2024), video installation, courtesy of the artist
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Alina Kleytman, The Place to See Before You Die (2024), video still, courtesy of the artist
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Ingo Niermann and Erik Niedling, Eigner (2024), Videostill, courtesy of the artists
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Roee Rosen, The Gaza War Tattoos (2024), photograph, courtesy of the artist
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Marko Tadić, Prevented Landscapes (2024), mixed-media installation, courtesy of the artist
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Helene Thümmel, ​Kritik und Kontrolle (2024), mixed-media installation, courtesy of the artist
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Piotr Urbaniec, Servus (2024), courtesy of the artist
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herbst cabaret

László Göndör, I Incest: Presentation of Artistic Research in the Aftermath of an Unfortunate Incest Incident on Zoom (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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László Göndör, I Incest: Presentation of Artistic Research in the Aftermath of an Unfortunate Incest Incident on Zoom (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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hannsjana, Die Genderpolizei (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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hannsjana, Die Genderpolizei (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Clara Wildberger
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Bernadette Laimbauer, Fruchtgenuss (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Bernadette Laimbauer, Fruchtgenuss (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Piotr Urbaniec, Glaskörper / Vitreous Body (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Piotr Urbaniec, Glaskörper / Vitreous Body (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Alex Franz Zehetbauer, Amuse-Bouche (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Alex Franz Zehetbauer, Amuse-Bouche (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Annina Machaz, Zämerisse! (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Annina Machaz, Zämerisse! (2024), performance, photo: steirischer herbst / Daniel Kindler
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Portrait Ekaterina Degot

Director and chief curator Ekaterina Degot, photo: Marija-M. Kanižaj
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Director and Chief Curator Ekaterina Degot, photo: Marija-M. Kanižaj
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