Über Wachsamkeit und politische Entgleisungen: Tagebücher aus Stadt und Land
(On Vigilance and Political Derailments: Diaries from the City and from the Country)


An educational project in cooperation with Schauspielhaus Graz and Schauspielhaus Wien on Chronik der laufenden Entgleisungen: Austria revisited (Chronicle of the Ongoing Derailments: Austria Revisited, 2024)

A creative writing project based on Thomas Köck’s commission Chronik der laufenden Entgleisungen: Austria revisited has been developed. Three groups of different ages from Graz, Vienna, and Styria approach the play’s topics and document political derailments in their environment. A selection of the resulting texts is presented by actors from the Graz and Vienna ensembles in a joint reading.

7.12., 18:00–21:00

Schauspielhaus Graz (Schauraum)
Hofgasse 11
8010 Graz ♿

7 euros


With Tala Al-Deen, Sophia Löffler, Željko Marović, Luisa Schwab

Adaption and dramaturgy: Katharina Grilj, Male Günther, Elisabeth Tropper