esc medien kunst labor
Photo: esc medien kunst labor
What is at stake? Who is playing along? The exhibition ranges from play as a creative engagement with the world, playing with reality to forms of propaganda and manipulation. It examines the aesthetic and the playful as the antithesis of instrumental reason.
While the universally valid, the factual, and the real are becoming increasingly difficult to grasp, the illusory and the imaginary are becoming more readily available—“reality” is dematerializing faced with the dominance of the virtual. Finally, artificial intelligence is creating new realities in a materially effective virtuality. These are not only politically, but also psychologically questionable.
In collaboration with Immerea (Flavia Mazzanti and Manuel Bonell)
A cooperation with ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
A cooperation with ORF musikprotokoll 2024
Supported by EMAP European Media Art Platform
Supported by Ludovico, steirische Landesludothek
A cooperation in the context or steirischen herbst ’24
Education event
28.9., 11:00–20:00
Partner Program exhibitions tour
esc medien kunst labor
Bürgergasse 5
8010 Graz ♿
Tue–Sun 14:00–19:00
15.10.– 8.11.
Tue–Fri 14:00–19:00 and by appointment
Free admission
28.9., 17:00
Opening with Reni Hofmüller and Ilse Weber
Lisz Hirn
Homo homini ludus: Von Spielen und Menschen
Opening digression
Followed by a tour in the presence of the artists
Followed by music and visuals by DJ Adriana Celentana, DJ Ocho, and VJ Zhi Zhi
3.10., 18:00
Christof Ressi
game over
5.10., 10:05
Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt
Live radio show with an audience
5.10., 18:00–24:00
ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen
With Christof Ressi, Flavia Mazzanti, and Manuel Bonell
8.10., 18:00–20:00
Ada Lovelace Day
Constant, Brüssel & Hexspace, Graz
Gaming session
18.10., ab 18:00
Spiel mit Demokratie! Auf was können wir uns noch verlassen, wem vertrauen wir und warum schlussendlich alle lügen
(Playing with Democracy! What Can We Still Rely On, Whom Do We Trust, and Why, in the End, Everyone Lies)
Philosophical gaming night
With and by Lisz Hirn and Nikolai Friedrich
Artists: Robin Baumgarten, Nina Botthof, Causa Creations, Adam Harvey, Doris Kuwert, Bernt Lintermann & Florian Hertweg, Johanna Pirker, Christof Ressi, Maria Smigielska & CompMonks
In collaboration with Immerea (Flavia Mazzanti and Manuel Bonell)
A cooperation with ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
A cooperation with ORF musikprotokoll 2024
Supported by EMAP European Media Art Platform
Supported by Ludovico, steirische Landesludothek
A cooperation in the context or steirischen herbst ’24
Education event
28.9., 11:00–20:00
Partner Program exhibitions tour