Forum Stadtpark

Design: Kathi Pust
Amalgam is commonly known as a material for dental fillings, a replacement for a damaged tooth. In this sense, this gathering is also a substitute. Graz event organizers are desperately looking for venues. A lack of (financial) resources, time, and space weigh on their gums, the consequences of which Forum Stadtpark can barely absorb. For this evening, it will be transformed into an experimental field for collective production.
In all its contradictions, what would otherwise remain disparate will merge: stage designers, performers, visual artists, musicians, DJs, sound artists, and enthusiastic ravers come together with their respective practices and positions. Following the lines of flight of a heterotopic situation that has fallen out of the space-time fabric, a shiny appearance of the wholly different emerges—a gold tooth in the mouth of the precarious. Thus, the party becomes the philosopher’s stone in a bottom-up process, reconceptualized as an experience encompassing all the senses.
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’24
21.9., 18:00–6:00
Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1
8010 Graz ♿
12 euros (presale) / 15 euros (box office)
Participating artists and collectives: Ach&Krach, awaGraz, Bruna Diniz Afonso, AfterMidnight-Kollektiv, blumin, CMKK (Computermusik & Klangkunst), Flausch, Forum Stadtpark, GreyNote, Vera Hagemann, Interlude, Reza Kellner & Anna Jurkiewicz, Knoten Kollektiv, Loophole, QuFO, Raum 117, Ravenbogen, ROTER KEIL, Sun People, UltraFlair, untn, and others
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’24